
It's all about sharing random's information, activities and ect.

March 9, 2012

Pengalaman Belajar Kereta

Bulan 1 yang lepas, my dad suruh ambil lesen kereta, Actually dah lama kot dia suruh ambil.. Aku je yang busy memanjang.. Then register lah masa bulan satu tu.. Mula2 macam biasalah kursus yang dikatakan nightmare, kursus KPP 5 jam. Kalau ikutkan kursus tu macam nothing, sebab cikgu dia banyak cerita pasal dia. Start pukul 9:30pg, lepas rehat pukul 2:00ptg baru start mengajar.. Biasalah bila dah hujung2 macam ni, giler laju dia ajar.. Balik pandai2 lah baca sendiri.. Next week nye, hari jumaat aku test komputer. Giler ramai.. Masa tengah tunggu giliran macam2 tips aku dengar. Tapi, buat tak tau je.. Bila sampai je aku nye turn, terus masuk bilik ujian tu.. Perasaan yang paling takut bila nak tekan keputusan.. Tekan je keputusan, LULUS.. Yeah!! Ok puas hati dah kat situ. Next saturday pergi Amali 6 jam.. Huh.. Gula2 mentos aku yang panjang tu habis kejap je.. Sampai je turn litar, Instructor bagi rasa lah bawa kereta bagi yang 1st time tu agak kelakar juga lah (termasuklah aku). A week after, aku start belajar kereta, biasalah kalau dah namanya pun belajar, ofcoz selalu kena marah.. Tapi disebabkan aku ni katagori "daun keladi" cakap je lah apa pun aku buat tak tau je.. Sebulan juga lah aku belajar.. Isnin lepas ku test JPJ.. Giler cuak kot.. kena lak kereta yang aku dapat agak uzur sikit. Finally LULUS bahagian II..
Tunggu lak untuk bahagian III, Sampai je turn aku hujan pulak.. Haih.. Dah la jalan aku ni banyak bukit.. Pegawai JPJ aku perempuan, muka baik, tapi awal2 dah kena marah.. ~~ bawa je lah kereta tu macam biasa.. Sampai je balik kat sekolah memandu tu, dia suruh sign.. Sekali tengok 18/20.. Yeah LULUS juga untuk Bahagian III.. 
Semalam lesen P aku dah keluar.. \(^^)/
Bercampur baur lah juga pengalaman belajar kereta ni.. 

March 3, 2012


We only have one planet.  You can help protect it. Participate in the world’s largest single campaign for the planet: Earth Hour. It starts by turning off your lights at 8:30 pm on March 31, 2012 in a collective display of commitment to a better future for the planet.  Think what can be achieved when we all come together for a common cause.

Getting involved in Earth Hour is easy

Pledge your support
Sign-up to participate and turn off all non-essential lights at 8:30 pm your local time.

Spread the word
Join the Earth Hour community and help us grow by getting your friends, colleagues and family to join us too.

Meet up with millions of people around the world participating in Earth Hour 
Join our communities on Meetup or organize an Earth Hour event in your community, school, or neighborhood restaurant.

Use our tools and downloads
Show the world you are participating in Earth Hour with our handy Earth Hour tools and downloads.

Why get involved?

Our future depends on it.  Across the world, biodiversity and natural habitats are disappearing at a greater rate than ever before.  We are depleting the earth of wild animals, water, wood and other natural resources faster than they can be replenished; polluting and altering natural habitats and changing the entire planet's climate.

Things will only worsen if we continue in the same direction.
Earth Hour raises awareness of sustainability issues.  But there’s more to it than switching off lights for one hour once a year.  It’s about giving people a voice and working together to create a better future for our planet. 

Take this opportunity to send a reminder to our leaders that we need to protect our planet by signing up for Earth Hour. Go beyond the hour by reducing your individual impact on the planet.  The actions you can take are endless and are things you can do every day.